Monday, July 21, 2008

Why So Serious?

Last weekend I went and saw the new Batman movie, The Dark Knight, and it was amazing! It was packed with great action and a great story line. But what took this movie over the top for me was Heath Ledger's performance as the Joker. In my opinion he played the part perfectly and was so fun to watch.

It was kind of a weird, eerie feeling to watch him, knowing he is not around anymore. I know there is a lot of talk going around about him being nominated for an Oscar, which I think he totally deserves. I think he should get "best actor." It was simply that good.

So if you haven't seen The Dark Knight then you need to go sometime soon and see it in the theater. It is an experience that is well worth the ridiculous $10 it costs to see a movie these days.



Blogger Andrea Sipe said...

I totally agree!! I cannot even believe Jack N. and Michael K. were in the original . . . they don't even compare!! The cast of this movie was amazing, and so well done . . . though, I have to admit, knowing Heath is dead didn't affect the experience for me at all. Gosh - does that sound harsh? I bet it does . . . I don't know . . . it seems to be all that people talk about, but all I can think about is the fact that people die everyday. Ordinary people that will live on only in the memory of the people that loved them . . . we focus so much on famous people, people who didn't really DO anything, but that which they loved (act, sing, play sports, etc.), so why do they get so much attention. Is it because they inspire us? Why do we mourn them over everyone else who dies lonely or whatever? I don't know . . . I'm not offering up any answers here . . . just thinking out-loud, so-to-speak . . . sorry.

July 30, 2008 at 2:37 PM


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