Sunday, March 29, 2009


I recently received an email from Hillsong Church promoting some conferences they are having in the U.S. coming up. Their vision for these events is incredible. Check out the description below:

My favorite part is the first paragraph. It's much like the series my church recently went through called REPULSED. Here it is again:

To be changed from the inside out so that as the Church, we would go out and change our world. It’s about coming together with hearts as one, losing ourselves in worship to our creator and finding our purpose in creatively meeting the real needs of humanity.

What an awesome prayer and desire! This, I believe, is what the Church should be all about. If you want to check out the ENCOUNTER conferences, click HERE.

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Blogger Romi said...

Don't quite know how I overlooked this post!! WOW...this looks phenomenal, especially the CA conference in August!! Thanks for sharing about it, Jared!

April 9, 2009 at 11:45 AM


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